

SEEJ Submission Guidelines

After consulting these guidelines, you can submit your manuscript at this page.

Subject Matter

SEEJ publishes original research in all areas of Slavic languages, literatures, and cultures. Papers on non-Slavic East European subjects are also invited, specifically subjects concerning Hungarian, Romanian, and Baltic cultures. Caucasian cultures (Georgian, Armenian, and Azerbaijan) in interaction with Slavic cultures also fall within the purview of the journal. Submitted articles should be well-documented and should reflect command of relevant primary sources in original languages and knowledge of the current state of research in appropriate areas. Pedagogical articles report the results of research, experimentation, and evaluation.

SEEJ does not publish original fiction or translations of literary works.


Only original work is considered for publication. Submission to SEEJ represents certification by the author(s) that neither the manuscript nor any substantially similar version of it is under consideration for publication. In light of the growing number of scholarly arguments and findings existing online, SEEJ accepts submissions based on online posted presentations, which are expanded and developed in the genre of research articles. The authors of such submissions bear the risks of having their authorship discovered by the reviewers. To maintain the double-blind review standards, SEEJ recommends that reviewers who know the identity of the author recuse themselves from providing an evaluation.

AATSEEL Membership Requirements

Because publication of the journal is supported by the members of AATSEEL, all contributors must be members of the association at the time they submit their manuscripts and during the year of publication. See information about joining AATSEEL.

Evaluation Process

All articles and notes submitted for publication are reviewed anonymously and should be prepared so that the author’s identity is not revealed either in the body of the manuscript or in bibliographic references. Manuscripts are read by at least two anonymous evaluators, who recommend acceptance (with minor or substantial revisions) or rejection and give specific reasons for their decision.

Recommended Length of Submissions

Submitted articles should be between 7,000 and 9,000 words. This is a hard world limit, and includes references and footnotes. The Editor may be asked for prior approval for manuscripts in excess of this limit. Those interested in submitting review articles are asked to contact the Review Editor regarding subject matter and length prior to submission.

Language of Publication

Because English is the language of the journal, all submissions should be written in good, contemporary American English. We welcome submissions from abroad; however, if the writer is not a native speaker of English, s/he should please have the manuscript reviewed by a native speaker for lexical and grammatical issues prior to submission.

See below for translation issues.

Submission Preparation

All manuscripts submitted to SEEJ, including reviews, should be neatly typed with margins of 1″ (one inch) on all sides; they should be double-spaced throughout, including notes, block quotes, and references. All notes should be footnotes. Consult MLA for formatting of in-text citations and references and for all other questions not noted in this guide.

The submission should be accompanied by an abstract of up to one page in English, to facilitate the selection of reviewers. At the time of publication, an abstract in the language of the article topic will also be required, as well as a brief biographical statement by the author.

Style Guide for Authors

Without exception, authors who are submitting to SEEJ are expected to have consulted the SEEJ Style Guide, available at this link.

This guide covers everything authors need to know to style and format their articles for publication in the journal.


SEEJ welcomes the submissions of article clusters/fora. When considering a cluster proposal, please note that the cluster organizer assumes the role of guest editor, and we expect for you to have read through each of the submissions to check for consistency/proper formatting/proper style and usage/overall quality before the authors officially submit their articles.

If accepted, the SEEJ editorial staff will copyedit the entire cluster, but we have had problems in the past with cluster manuscripts in need of extensive revisions that went beyond common typos/formatting/incorrect citations.


Reviews of publications received by the journal are solicited by the Associate Editor for Reviews. SEEJ welcomes the help of its readers in identifying publications for review, particularly East European and other foreign imprints. Please consult the Review Editor, Ona Renner-Fahey, before undertaking an unsolicited review. For contact information and a list of books available for review, please visit our Book Reviews page.